Tuesday, May 28, 2013

Print Project

For this print project I used prints and then islamic desgins on top of the print to create this piece. I made my print out of easy cut and then rolled ink on to it in order to get the general picture, the turtle. I used penicl to transfer my drawing of the turtle and the textures onto the easy cut. In order to get the easy cut to work as a print I had to then cut out the lines with a cutting knife. Once I did that I was then able to work with the inks, to get this color I rolled on yellow and turqouise to get this yellow-green/blue-green. Once the ink dried I was able to go back and use other mediums ontop of it. I first used a sharpie to outline the general shape of the turtle, and then I went back and outlined some of the details of the turtel in navy-blue colored pencil. In class we then learned about islamic prints and had to create one of our own. The one I created can be seen in the background of this print, which was created using a purple colored pencil. Lastly this project was also displayed in an art gallery at our local mall this semester!

Saturday, May 25, 2013

Acrylic Painting Project

One of the biggest projects we did this year was our acrylic landscape painting. In order to create my composition I used two different pictures as references; then using my pictures I did a sharpie drawing to find the placement of objects and textures. I also used atmospheric perspective, which is when objects farther away become hazy and appear to be the same hue as the sky. To create atmospheric perspective I used different shades of blue in the sky and ocean. I also used it on my birds as well, to make them appear farther away, by using a darker blue and not giving them a definite shape. I used shadows on the sand to create a light source in this project. For this project we also learned about different color schemes, such as analogous, monochromatic, and complementary. In this project I used the complementary colors blue and orange as my color scheme. I used various types of brush strokes that varied from the typical side to side for the sky, to using sponges for white caps, to small, quick "flicks" to create grass. One other lesson we had to include in this project was the use of value. I was able to include value in my ocean by adding darkness as the water became closer to the horizon line and lightness as the water became closer to the shore.

Wednesday, May 22, 2013

Ceramics Project

This year one of the major projects I did was a ceramic peice made out of clay. My peice was in the shape of a bowl and was 7 inches in diameter and 3 inches in height. One of the designs elements that was stressed during this project form and how to make a peice that could hold its shape as well as function as artwork. With my peice I used a hump mold to help hold its shape. My peice can be used as decoration or as bowl to hold various items. To create my design I used stencils to create the "four-leaf clover shape" and red clay to paint on the radial design. During this project I learned how to use molds, work with a new medium, and create radial designs. I I had to change anything about this project it would be to take more time working on the wet clay to get all the bubbles out and to keep it smooth. Changing this would make the final outcome of my project just a bit better. 

Tuesday, May 21, 2013

Pastel Still Life Project

In this project we had to plan a composition of still life objects, make them appear three
dimensional,and create a light source. For my drawing I used lacrosse balls, to set up the compositon i just rolled them around on the table till I liked where they were placed. Then I used a view finder to narrow down my feild of vison, so I could get a better idea of what the drawings composition would look like. Before I started drawing I sketched a thumbnail sketch, which is a small, quick sketch of what your going to create in your drawing. Once I started this project I had to find a way to make my "circles" look like acctual lacrosse balls, to do so I used diffrent color pastles (including black and white) to create areas of lightness and drakness inorder to create the illusion that these shapes are three dementional. I was also able to create a light source by adding shadows underneath my objects and making them darker as they came closer to the object. I also added lightness to the wall and table the closer it appered to the light source.